Planning Application 20/01232/FUL

Yes….Planning Application 20/01232/FUL …….means another new house in Waresley!

The owner of the small parcel of land behind Waresley Village Hall has once again applied for permission to build on this land. Huntingdonshire District Council refused earlier applications. Will they allow it this time? Looking at the documents submitted with the application – no!

There are a number of problems. The last application, which was turned down, was some years ago and things have changed quite a bit since then. The environmental requirements now are much more onerous and so are the conservation criteria. To make things worse, the person applying doesn’t seem to own the land which provides access for the site to the road. The Village Hall appears to own this land and it does not seem to be a party to this application.

Whilst it seems that the house is too big and overlooks its surroundings, perhaps the main objection is the fact that it would be new development on natural, virgin land. The buildings to the North of the plot are all re-purposed redundant agricultural buildings and NOT new builds.

However, check out the application and make up your own mind. You can see the plans and the submission for this application, as well as read all the comments from the village, by clicking on the following link. Then enter Planning Application 20/01232/FUL and you will be taken straight to the documents:-

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