Waresley and Gransden Woods — again!

Waresley and Gransden Woods

In answer to requests by the Waresley and Gransden Woods Action Group (WAGWAG), the Wildlife Trust has agreed to reopen a small part of the wood as a Winter Walk.

Access to the walk is from either side of Gransden Wood – some distance from Waresley – and access on foot from Waresley is via the public footpath from Wood Farm on the West side or via public bridleways on the east side.  Both these routes do contain some very muddy sections at present although improving day-by-day.

However, the South gate at the top of Browne’s Piece will be unlocked, so in addition to the Winter Walk,  a circular walk from Waresley is now possible via the footpath from Wood Farm along to Browne’s Piece and then back along the road to Waresley and this does avoid the worst of the mud. The main gate from Browne’s Piece into the woods, however, does remain locked.

Also it should be noted that those who have used this path report that the inside of the wood is muddier than the paths outside and that Browne’s Piece is still the best option.

Many thanks to WAGWAG for their success with this, along with the local Parish Councils.

Happy walking.



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