I thought I should post an update on the current state of the A428 Upgrade. The situation is that Highways England have not announced their preferred route as yet, neither have they given any indication as to when they will, other than to confirm that it will be in the Autumn. As Autumn is now here, everyone is waiting! Having spoken to both our District Councillor and County Councillor, it seems that neither of them are any the wiser.
For those of you who are not up to speed with all this, below is a copy of the information provided on the relative part of the Highways England website.
Progress report
We held a public consultation on the route options back in March and April 2017. We asked for views on the need for improvements to the A428, feedback on three route options and three options to improve the Black Cat Roundabout.
We are currently analysing your feedback from the consultation, together with findings from meetings with local landowners and businesses, which will help shape our decision on the preferred route in early autumn.
We have appointed locally based AECOM as our delivery partner for professional design and engineering services. This includes the development and delivery of an application for planning permission which is to be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in autumn 2018.
We are now carrying out ecological surveys for all the route options. The results of these surveys will help inform our decision on the preferred route.
What next?
Topographical survey fieldwork has recently begun and is anticipated to continue through to early September. We are planning ground investigation surveys for sections of the scheme that are common to all route options between October 2017 and January 2018.