A428…….another update!!

The following is a copy of part of the Highways England website relating to the current status of the A428 Upgrade Project:


What next?

We’ll be continuing with surveys for sections of the scheme that are common to all route options.


Date Event
2018/19 Site surveys including topographical studies, traffic modelling, ecological surveys and ground investigation at key locations for all route options.
2018 Preferred Route Announcement and further engagement with local community representatives and landowners.
2019 Public consultation expected to take place on the developed route option.
2019 Further develop the scheme incorporating input from all consultees.
2019/20 Submit application for a Development Consent Order.
2020 to 2025 Start of works – if approved, construction is expected to proceed in 2021/22


As you can see the timescale is slipping back all the time and the time brackets are becoming vaguer. The need to take account of changes to the A1 Upgrade Project (surely that would have been done already or is “joined-up government” really a myth?) sounds like an excuse to delay things even further. I suspect the real truth is that comittment has been delayed again so as to avoid allocating funds when the actual post-Brexit financial situation seems a total unknown at the present time.


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