East-West Rail Bedford to Cambridge

East-West Rail Bedford to Cambridge Section

The East-West Rail Company has now unveiled its latest choice of the “preferred” routes for the Bedford-to-Cambridge section of the proposed Oxford to Cambridge rail link.

While all the routes avoid Waresley, two of them do come through the edge of the parish.  These cut between Waresley and Abbotsley and then head NE towards Cambourne.

The good news is that some of the potential routes follow the course of the A428 Black Cat to Caxton Gibbet upgrade. This is something which Waresley Parish Council has been pushing for. Two of the routes propose a station to the North of Cambourne, with easy access to the A428 (also something the Parish Council has asked for). The consultation is open to everyone and lasts until June 9th.

You can find it at:  https://eastwestrail.co.uk/consultation

The Parish Council has now discussed the proposals in detail. They are strongly supporting Route 1 shown dark blue on the maps (see link below).  This route links the closest station to St Neots with a station at Cambourne North. It also follows the A428 upgrade.

We, that is the Waresley Parish Council and the majority of local residents, also strongly oppose the two cross country routes (Routes 6 light blue and 8 yellow). These cut across our parish and would do great environmental damage to the unspoiled valley between Waresley and Eltisley.  Furthermore they would give us a less accessible station South West of Cambourne instead of to the North.

In case you are wondering, routes 3, 4, 5 and 7 are routes already ruled out by East West Rail. These have been left in their numbering system, although they are not part of the consultation.

It’s important for everyone to reply to the consultation. You don’t have to be a local resident and we hope that you will support Route 1, which we consider the best option for us, for our neighbours and for the environment.

Click this link to see the map of the routes: Shortlisted-five-route-alignments-overview


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